EMI ElectronicShielding materials die-cutting
Conductive rubber die cut
Conductive rubber is a type of silicone rubber that evenly distributes conductive particles such as silver plated glass, silver plated aluminum, and silver. By applying pressure to the conductive particles, they come into contact and achieve good conductivity. Its main function is sealing and electromagnetic shielding. The product can be molded or extruded into shape, with options for sheet loading or other punching and cutting shapes. The shielding performance can reach up to 120 dB (10 GHz).
Conductive rubber must withstand a certain amount of compression force to conduct electricity well, so the structural design must ensure appropriate pressure without overpressure. The optimal height compression of the board is 7-15%; The optimal height compression for solid circles and D-shapes is between 12-30%; The optimal height compression for tubular and P-shaped structures is between 20-60%.
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